Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

For TEA's Events

Made and announced in Bangkok

Date: 1st April 2024

Thai Exhibition Association (the “Association”) is required to process, which includes collection, recording, using, and disclosure of personal data of our customers and partners of exhibitions, events and activities organized by us and our partners for the normal business operation of the Association's event organizing activities, and according to the purposes stated below.

This policy applies to our exhibitors, delegates, attendees, visitors, guests, buyers, public, agents, and partners, supporting organizations, vendors, suppliers and contractors. For ease of interpretation, these mentioned entities shall now be collectively term as “Customers”.

Thus, the Association hereby notifies our customers of details of such processing of personal database as follows:

Details of Data Controller

Details of Personal Data

Personal data to be collected:

Name-surname, address, telephone number, email, ID card number, date of birth, photo, marital status, occupation, income

Processing purposes:

  1. The Association is required to process personal data as to procure and provide products and services to our customers, provided that the Association will not be able to perform such obligations without personal data of the customers.
  2. The Association processes personal data for its legitimate interest in conducting the operations of the Association, by taking into account the fundamental rights of our customers and partners. The data processing shall include contacting with the partners and customers to complete the business transaction; analyzing, verifying, and improving internal procedures of the Association or exercising its right under the law; etc.
  3. The Association processes personal data for its legitimate interest in promoting its exhibition, convention, seminar or other events (including online events) through internal and external channels such as social media sites or website, newspaper, broadcast advertising, etc. The Association may record photos or videos, or make live broadcast, for promoting such events.
  4. The Association is required to process personal data to comply with the relevant laws on public health such as to prevent communicable disease or pandemic.

Processing period

The Association will process personal data throughout the period of which the relevant agreement or business transaction between the Customer and the Association is still valid or active, and/or as required for the compliance of law or under the statute of limitations or for the establishment, compliance, exercise, or defense of legal claims. Upon expiration of the permitted period, the Association shall eradicate such data/document by an appropriate method.

Person to which personal data may be disclosed:

  1. The Association may disclose the personal data to government agencies as being required by laws.
  2. The Association may disclose the personal data for its legitimate interest in conducting business operations of the Association by taking into account the customer's fundamental rights, and as being required by the laws.
  3. Our events and services are partnered or sponsored with third party exhibitors or sponsors. We may share your details with these third party partners. Where this happens, a clear notice will be provided, that gives the opportunity to opt out or opt in to such sharing as required by applicable data protection laws. The third party partner's use of your details will be in accordance with the notice provided and its privacy policy, and is not covered by this Privacy Policy

Rights of the Data Subject

As the Data Subject, you are entitled to:

  1. Withdraw any consent given to the Company (if any);
  2. Access your personal data including to obtain copy of such personal data or to be informed the source of collection without your consent (if any);
  3. Obtain from the Association or request the Association to transfer to other data controllers the personal data that can be transferred automatically;
  4. Object the collection, use or disclose of your personal data;
  5. Request the Association to delete, eradicate or make unidentifiable your personal data;
  6. Request the Association to suspend the use of your personal data;
  7. Request the Association to correct or update your personal data to avoid confusion
  8. Make complain to the authority in case you consider the Association's action not in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019).

In this regard, you can contact the Association's Data Protection Office to request action according to your rights at enquiries@ Tel: +66 2744 5370-1